Dedicated to the richest and most sensual wine of Italy: PRIMITIVO

Characteristics of the grape: medium to full bodied, jammy, dark cherry, blackberry, raspberry, cedar, nutmeg, clove, black pepper, chocolate, espresso.
Mr Primitivo, the king of senses !!
Primitivo vineyards were first registered in 1799 at the time of Napoleon, but its origin date back to the Roman times. It was named “Primitivo” by the Benedictine monks because of its tendency to ripen early. Its grapes have historically been grown as “alberello” (head trained) where yields are very low and the fruit is completely exposed to sunlight for the entire growing season. The old vineyards have a crumbly dark reddish brown soil that contributes to its strong native yeast. Primitivo red wine can be made light and fruity, much like French Beaujolais, or lively, complex and age worthy, like Cabernet or claret. It can also be made into big, ripe, high alcohol style wines that resemble Port.
Handmade srls Ostuni (Brindisi) Italy | +39.340.7678256 +39.080.2461366 Partita IVA 02620370748